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Deep Cleaning for $0.12/SqFt
Ceiling to Floor Cleaning means not having to worry about moving all your furniture into someone else's grime. Our company makes Moving Day a little less stressful and Closing Day a little more exciting. We start at the furthest point of the house and work our way towards the door, hitting all the spots that dust might hide and making sure the appliances are sanitized as well.

As we start from the top and we work out way down, our crew will dust all cobwebs; wipe all trim, baseboards and moldings; cleaning the windows also includes the frames, tracks and, if they are the newer windows, we will fold them in to clean both sides; wiping the shelves in the closet and doing the floors throughout the whole room ensures all the "basic" areas are sanitized.
Kitchens and Bathrooms are obviously more time consuming but, nevertheless, thorough.
Bathrooms will go through the natural Ceiling-to-Floor Process; but in addition, the soap scum, grease build up, scorch marks and possible mold will need tending to.

Bathrooms seem to have their own set of rules. Under the toilet bowl and then behind the toilet bowl, can easily be forgotten during a regular cleaning. Hair buildup leading to clogged drains essentially becomes a breeding ground for soap scum. The sink, although used the most, often ends up being the least of your worries when you compare germs.
Spraying the bathroom down, using specific products to get up the nastiest of stains and aiming to hit every spot a speck of dust might hide, can be crucial in the place where germs entertain other, even more gross, germs.

Kitchens come with their own sets of challenges. The "heart of the home" and the beating heart, at that. All family members can appreciate a clean kitchen as food is prepared, and the intention behind our cleaning supplies respect that.
Our crew takes the time to do our Ceiling-to-Floor workflow, while also taking our time on the appliances that Kitchens come equipped with. Cleaning the refrigerator, stove/oven, and even the dishwasher are all tasks to complete before a new family makes memories over a good meal.
Moving into a New Home should be nothing but exciting. At Calendula Properties LLC, we take the stress off the move by putting all of our value into the details and making the move that much more smoothly. It's really nice to buy a new home, it's even better to not have to clean it before you even enjoy it.