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Manual Pricing Strategies

Brittany Townsend

Updated: Oct 6, 2021

When you first launch your property. You will want to have lower prices in order to gain traction to your listing, get some reviews, learn the ropes and essentially just "get your feet wet" in the market. While your listing is gaining traction, figure out the type of additions that can truly add value.

What do you do when a potential guest is trying to get a discounted rate?

The first question I ask myself is "how likely will these dates book if I don't accept the inquiry?" I also don't go for their number. It really ends up being a case-by-case basis but it's something I will get more stringent about as time goes on because the discount will essentially loose it's leverage.


Run a special for upcoming dates.... discount the rate because you would rather make some money off of last minute travelers on a budget, than no money with the vacancy.

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